Association of Writers & Writing Programs

INFO: AWP’s Award Series is an annual competition for the publication of excellent new book-length works. The competition is open to all authors writing in English regardless of nationality or residence, and it is open to published and unpublished authors alike.

48 pages minimum text

Poems previously published in periodicals are eligible for inclusion in submissions, but manuscripts previously published in their entirety, including self-published manuscripts, are not eligible. As the series is judged anonymously, no list of acknowledgements should accompany your manuscript.

The AWP Award Series is open to all authors writing original works in English for adult readers.  

AWARD: $5,500

APPLICATION PERIOD: January 1 – February 28, 2017




Fogo Island Arts

INFO: Art Metropole and Fogo Island Arts are seeking applications for The Islands, a two-part residency that aims to encourage arts writing and criticism in contemporary art. Open to Canadian and international applicants, The Islands will take place on Fogo Island and at Artscape Gibraltar Point on Toronto Island, Canada, from May 1 to June 15, 2017.

The Islands invites emerging and established arts writers and artists with a writing practice to think about writing, remoteness, isolation and time across two unique locations. The successful candidate will spend a month on Fogo Island as part of Fogo Island Arts’ residency program, followed by two weeks on Toronto Island at Artscape Gibraltar Point. The project will culminate in a small publication funded, published, and distributed by Art Metropole.

Arts writing practices may range in structure, content, and medium, addressing various forms and disciplines that may include poetry, art criticism, and experimental writing; periodical production (journals, art books, magazines), or edition production (art multiples, prints, posters). Applications should directly consider the role of writing in the arts, and take into consideration the unique circumstances of the residencies.

DEADLINE: January 6, 2017




2017 National Black Writers Conference Biennial Symposium

INFO: The year 2017 marks the centennial of the birth of Gwendolyn Brooks, who through her powerful, passionate, social and politically conscious poetry and prose, used a range of modern literary aesthetics to provide a window into the life of Blacks in 20th century urban America. Brooks was the first Black author to win the Pulitzer Prize and was poetry consultant to the Library of Congress. The author of the poetry collections Annie Allen and The Bean Eaters, and the novel Maud Martha, Gwendolyn Brooks claims an irrefutable place in our literary canon. In partnership with “Our Miss Brooks 100,” the Center for Black Literature is proud to take part in the yearlong “Our Miss Brooks: A Centennial Celebration.” 

For the 2017 NBWC Biennial Symposium, the Center for Black Literature invites poets, writers, independent researchers, interested faculty and students to submit proposals that examine the life of Gwendolyn Brooks and the themes in her works. Proposals may include but are not limited to the following subjects:

Brooks was a socially conscious African-American poet whose most recognized works in the 1950s and 1960s were created from the challenging times Blacks faced in America and also represented a portrait of the people that surrounded her. More than 65 year later, with the establishment of the Black Lives Matter movement, in what ways does Brooks’s poems, prose, and community activism resonate in today’s society

In his book Honoring Genius, Gwendolyn Brooks: The Narrative of Craft, Art, Kindness and Justice, Haki R. Madhubuti writes: “Ms. Brooks was a woman who could not live without her art, but who had never put her art above or before the people she wrote about.” With this reflection in mind, examine the ways in which Brooks’s prose and poetry reflect the human experience as well as the experiences of Blacks in America.

DEADLINE: January 9, 2017




Women in the Arts and Media Coalition

INFO: The Women In the Arts and Media Coalition is sending out a call for submissions for our new series: Conversations In America. This first artistic conversation is called "Under the Gun."  

The series will be a creative evening of works that attempt to reach beyond emotions and find ways to discuss critical issues in America. This first conversation is about the gun violence problem in the United States. Yelling and screaming have not changed a thing, so what might?

They are asking their members, to write, paint, sculpt, photograph, film, make music, and/or dance to a better understanding of this volatile subject where entrenched and automatic responses have become knee jerk reactions on both sides of the conversation.  

They will host a gala evening to display, discuss, enlighten and begin to mutually develop a way to dialogue the many sides of this issue that affects all of us daily.  They are seeking to construct an understanding and develop movement on this issue through our art.  How can we talk away the fear - on both sides of the discussion - and find a place of understanding that supports all of our rights? We all acknowledge that this is an uncomfortable talk to have.  How do we start the conversation without shutting each other down?  

They are looking for: Short plays and Monologues, Short Films, Music, Poetry, Dance Pieces, Paintings, Photographs, Performance Art, and written and performed pieces with a running time of 10 minutes or less. A female-identified member of one of our their or affiliate member organizations must submit and be the primary engine of the project submitted, but it may have any additional collaborators, female or male, members and non-members.

 DEADLINE: January 22, 2017 at 11:59pm




INFO: For the past 31 years, NYFA has awarded fellowships to individual originating artists living in New York State and/or Indian Nations located in New York State. NYFA is committed to supporting artists from diverse cultural backgrounds at all stages of their professional careers.

2017 Fellowship Categories:

  • Crafts/Sculpture
  • Printmaking/Drawing/Book Arts
  • Nonfiction Literature
  • Poetry
  • Digital/Electronic Arts

AWARD: NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellowships, awarded in fifteen different disciplines over a three-year period, are $7,000 cash awards made to individual originating artists living and working in the state of New York for unrestricted use. These fellowships are not project grants but are intended to fund an artist’s vision or voice, regardless of the level of his or her artistic development.

(Includes the Joanne Chen Fellowship awarded annually to a Taiwanese American artist resident in New York. The winner of this award will receive an unrestricted grant of $7,000.)

DEADLINE: January 25, 2017 at 11:59pm




The Zora Neale Hurston / Richard Wright Foundation

INFO: The Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation is proud to host the annual Hurston/Wright Award for College Writers, which is the only award of its kind that recognizes Black college writers. The award is the foundation’s first program. It was initiated to support emerging Black artists in fiction and poetry enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate school program anywhere in the United States.   

Black writers who are full-time students in undergraduate and graduate programs at any university in the United States are eligible to submit a work of fiction or poetry for consideration. They must be enrolled at the time of submission. Full-time student includes low-residency MFA programs. At this time, students in online-only courses of university programs are not considered eligible for the award. 

Writers are ineligible if they have published books, including poetry chapbooks or fiction narratives, through any publishing platform.

 All work submitted must be original and unpublished at the time of submission. Author name and contact details should be on a separate page. Only the title should appear on the work because judges will not know who submitted or what school the student attends.

Hurston/Wright does not accept work that is submitted simultaneously to multiple competitions. Therefore, we make every effort to notify writers by the end of April whether their submissions were accepted or not accepted.

 Awards will be announced in May. Award winners and honorable mentions will be invited to attend the Legacy Award ceremony that is hosted in October in Washington, DC.


DEADLINE: February 1, 2017
