The Center for Book Arts
INFO: The Center for Book Arts invites submissions to its annual Poetry Chapbook Program by December 15, 2017. The selected manuscript will be determined in May 2018 and will be awarded with the publication of a beautifully designed, letterpress-printed, limited-edition chapbook printed and bound by artists at the Center for Book Arts. The edition is limited to 100 signed and numbered copies, 10 of which are reserved for the author and the remainder of which will be offered for sale through the Center. The selected poet will also receive a cash award of $500 and a $500 honorarium for a reading, to be held at the Center in the fall of 2018, as well as an exclusive opportunity for a week long stay at the Millay Colony for the Arts in Austerlitz, New York as one of their Winter Shakers. This year’s curators will be Natasha Trethewey, 19th Poet Laureate of the United States (2012-2014).
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Please submit a collection or sequence of original poems or a single long poem not to exceed 450 lines or 21 pages (no translations are accepted). The author’s name should not appear anywhere in the manuscript. Please provide a table of contents and a separate acknowledgements page containing prior magazine or anthology publication of individual poems at the end of the manuscript. Please note that the 450 lines or 21-page limit does not include acknowledgements pages.
DEADLINE: December 15, 2017