The Green Inn
INFO: We are seeking short stories, essays, poetry, and plays to be compiled in a bound book focused on the idea that rest and leisure is revolutionary.
We are looking for a wide range of voices from the black community. All proceeds will support the inaugural cohort of The Green Inn & Artist Residency, opening in 2021.
Narrative Prize
INFO: The Narrative Prize is awarded annually for the best short story, novel excerpt, poem, one-act play, graphic story, or work of literary nonfiction published by a new or emerging writer in Narrative.
The winner is announced each September, and the prize is awarded in October. The award, citing the winner’s name and the title and genre of the winning piece, is widely publicized, and each winner is cited in an ongoing listing in Narrative. The prize will be given to the best work published each year in Narrative by a new or emerging writer, as judged by the magazine’s editors. In some years, the prize may be divided between winners, when more than one work merits the award.
AWARD: $4,000
DEADLINE: June 15, 2019
INFO: Using the online submission system, submit up to three poems of no more than 50 lines each, a short story or essay of up to 2,500 words, or a piece of flash fiction of up to 500 words.
Matty Layne Glasgow will judge in poetry, Tammy Lynne Stoner will judge in fiction, Brittany Ackerman will judge in flash fiction, and Adrianne Kalfopoulou will judge in nonfiction.
PRIZE: $1000 honorarium and publication via LAR Online and in the best-of annual print edition of the Los Angeles Review, issue no. 24, set to be released in 2020.
DEADLINE: June 30, 2019