Guggenheim Public Engagement Poet-in-Residence

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

DEADLINE: December 5, 2021 at 11:59pm ET

INFO: The Poet-in-Residence at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is a new one-year position created in collaboration with the Academy of American Poets that will be specifically focused on public engagement. The Poet-in-Residence will work together with the Guggenheim Education team to design and produce a suite of poetry-related programs for adult, teen, and intergenerational audiences to take place over the 2022 calendar year.

The goal of the Poet-in-Residence’s programming is to create enriching experiences with poetry for the public that will intersect with museum initiatives, architecture, and exhibitions, and may include, but are not limited to, poetry or spoken word reading events, social media initiatives, activations of the interactive poetry hub in the Aye Simon Reading Room, programming in the museum galleries, and poetry workshops for youth audiences.

The residency will run from late January to December of 2022 and offers a $20,000 honorarium from the Guggenheim Museum, and one or more features in Academy of American Poets’s publications.

ELIGIBILITY: Any poet who meets the below criteria as of January 1, 2022 is eligible to apply:

  • 21 years of age or older;

  • Currently authorized to work in the US for any employer;

  • Able to commute to the Guggenheim Museum in New York City throughout the residency and in compliance with the Guggenheim’s health and safety protocols and applicable law in connection with COVID-19;

  • Published one or more collections of poetry (excluding books that are self-published and/or published with a subsidy press that requires payment by the author) or substantial history of public spoken word performances;

  • Correctly completed application submitted by the deadline.

Please note that this is a hybrid residency; the Poet-in-Residence will be expected to commute regularly to the Guggenheim Museum in New York City beginning in late January, with some work being conducted remotely. The successful candidate will be interested in initiating, encouraging, and sustaining a public dialogue with poetry through deep engagement with the Guggenheim and broader New York City community.




Raising Mothers

DEADLINE: Extended to December 5, 2021


INFO: Raising Mothers publishes experimental and traditional fiction, flash fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, interviews, book reviews, photo essays, and comic/graphic narratives. Raising Mothers publishes work that centers parenthood from either a parent, or child-centered perspective from BIPOC people exclusively; women, femmes, disabled, nonbinary and LGBTQIA+ parents.

For our “Across the Spectrum” issue, we’re interested in work that celebrates, examines, critiques and/or questions the realities and assumptions of what it means to parent or nurture a neurodiverse child or be a neurodiverse parent. Work that examines these worlds at the intersections of race, class and/or gender identity is strongly encouraged. 

We invite all forms--essays, poems, interviews, comics, fiction, etc.--that addresses the breadth and depth of neurodiversity. 




Blue Mountain Review

DEADLINE: December 15, 2021

INFO: Submissions are open in all genres for Blue Mountain Review’s winter issue.

Any style is accepted. Any length is accepted.


  • Poetry: Please submit only three poems per issue.

  • Fiction: Please limit your prose to no more than 2,500 words. Send only one prose piece per issue. | Please limit your micro fiction to 1-to-3 pieces per issue, 300 words per story. | Please limit your essay to no more than 2,500 words. Send only one piece per issue.

  • Visual Arts: We leave this category up to the artist to interpret and submit in standard, easily opened, attachments.

Please note: In addition to your submission, you will be required to include a cover letter and short, third-person bio.

Additional Guidelines:

  • All text needs to be in 12-point Georgia font;

  • All titles must be in bold (standard capitalization);

  • All poems in one document, one poem per page;

  • For photographs and drawings – if they have a title, title the file as the title of the image;

  • Please no addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.

  • No Simultaneous Submissions.



Call For Submissions

Poet Lore

DEADLINE: December 15, 2021

INFO: For our Winter/Spring 2022 issue, Guest Editor Benjamin Garcia will curate a selection of work centered on punctuation. 

Although easy to take for granted, punctuation is one of an author’s most useful and overlooked tools. A kind of Swiss army knife, it’s handy to keep in your pocket though you may rarely need a corkscrew or interobang. Punctuation is part of language, not just an ornament. Our daily speech is filled with commas, ellipses, questions, exclamations, and yes, even semicolons—so why avoid them in our writing? Poets like Lyrae Van Clief-StefanonKaveh AkbarDana LevinDanez SmithJamaica KincaidGabrielle CalvocoressiAlice Fulton, and Amy Beeder demonstrate how punctuation can help organize, add an element of play, create pacing, guidance for how a text should sound out loud, turn a phrase upside down, and even incorporate the body.

Please send us your work that utilizes punctuation in surprising and innovative ways, poems for which punctuation is not an afterthought, but an integral piece of their craft.

You may submit up to 3 poems (maximum of 8 pages). 

  • Include all poems in 1 single document and please only submit once.

  • Include the titles of all poems in your cover letter (bullet points or numbers are easiest).

  • If a poem is more than one page, please indicate if the second page begins with a new stanza.

  • We accept simultaneous submissions, however, let us know in your cover letter if poems are simultaneously submitted, and please inform us immediately if a poem is accepted elsewhere.

  • We do not accept work that has been previously published. This includes on personal blogs and social media.

  • Upon acceptance, we ask for first serial rights, with rights reverting back to the author upon publication.

We are committed to diversity and inclusivity and highly encourage submissions from marginalized voices. We do not tolerate racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, or any work that promotes harmful stereotypes and viewpoints. 




Kweli Journal

DEADLINE: December 17, 2021

INFO: Editor Ivelisse Rodriguez is looking for submissions from Latinx writers for Kweli Journal. She is interested in prose and poetry that reveals something about our African ancestry.

If you are interested, please feel free to email her at ivelisse.rodriguez4@gmail.com.


The Hurston/Wright Legacy Awards

Hurston/Wright Foundation

DEADLINE: December 17, 2021


INFO: The Hurston/Wright Legacy Awards are open to Black writers in America and across the globe.


  • Full-length books of debut fiction, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, as well as collections of short stories, and collections of essays by one author. All works must be newly published.

  • Books published in the United States.

  • Books by a self-published author.

  • Books with a publication date within the calendar year in which the application is being submitted.

  • U.S. editions of foreign books published for the first time in the United States.

  • An English translation of a book originally written in another language. The translator need not be a Black author.

  • Submissions postmarked for the Hurston/Wright Foundation office by December 17th.

  • Previous Legacy Award winners and nominees and college writing awardees.

  • Bound galleys from publishing houses, as long as the release date is within the specified dates of submission.


  • Books written by more than one author.

  • Poetry books with fewer than 50 pages.

  • Retrospectives or collections of previously published work.

  • E-books.

  • Reprints of books published in a previous year.

  • Submissions postmarked after the December 17th.

  • Books by board members and staff of the Hurston/Wright Foundation and their family members.

  • Books by a judge for that year’s competition or a family member of the judge.

  • Photography books, cook books and travel books.

  • Genre fiction (such as commercial, romance and mystery works) and children’s books, unless the work has been recognized by the literary industry as transcending genre.

 JUDGING: A 3-judge panel of previous Legacy Award honorees will judge submissions in each genre. ​ 

  • Debut Fiction:  A first Novel or a first Short-Story Collection 

  • Fiction: Novel, Novella, or Short-Story Collection 

  • Nonfiction: Autobiography, Memoir, Biography, History, Social Issues, Literary Criticism 

  • Poetry: Books In Verse, Prose Poetry, Formal Verse, Experimental Verse 
    More than 100 books are submitted for the competition, but the number of entries vary from year to year. Hurston/Wright staff review incoming submissions to ensure they meet the qualifications as outlined. Books that do not meet the criteria are not sent to the judges. Staff reserves the right to adjust the category of a submission as necessary. Submitters will be notified of any change in submission category. 


  • Include with each application a $40 nonrefundable submission fee. One application and fee per title. If payment cannot be made online, a check and invoice should be included with submission that is mailed to the foundation’s office.

  • Books must be submitted by the publisher; self-published authors may submit their books.

  • The Hurston/Wright Foundation reserves the right to inquire about potential submissions, but does so to ensure that Black authors who receive major reviews or appear on best-seller lists are included. No inquiries will be made after the submission deadline closes.

  • The submission period opens September 1st and closes on December 17th.

  • Nominations are announced in June. Winners & finalists are announced at the annual Hurston/Wright Legacy Award Ceremony the third Friday in October.

  • The author of a Legacy nominated book or a representative is expected to attend the awards ceremony.

  • Non-winning entries will be donated to a university or nonprofit organization.


  • Complete online application including $40 submission fee paid via online link or check.

  • Mail four copies of each title submitted to:

 ​Hurston/Wright Legacy Award 
10 G Street, NE, Suite 600 
Washington, DC 20002 




 The Caribbean Writer 

DEADLINE: December 31, 2021

INFO: The Caribbean Writer (TCW) has issued a call for submissions for Volume 36 under the 2021 theme: Disruption, Disguise and Illuminations. As history meets our day to day experiences, epiphanies unfold; and as we self-interrogate the disruption motifs in many of these illuminations, the roots of prevailing disruptions emerge, complicated by disguise. Submissions exploring this theme in its widest permutations are invited.

Contributors may submit works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays or one act plays which explore the ideas resonating within the region and its diaspora. The Caribbean should be central to the work, or the work should reflect a Caribbean heritage, experience or perspective. Prospective authors should submit all creative works: drama, fiction and poetry manuscripts, through the online portal ONLY at www.thecaribbeanwriter.org/online-submission. Submit Word files only (no PDFs) . Note that TCW no longer accepts hardcopy submissions.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Individuals may submit poems (3 maximum), short stories (2 maximum) and personal essays (2 maximum) on general topics as well as on the theme. The maximum length (for short stories and personal essays) is 3500 words. Only previously unpublished work will be considered. The term “previously published” covers print and electronic publication —including on social media platforms, and self-published items. The Caribbean Writer does not accept simultaneous submissions (items being considered for publication elsewhere). The prospective author should provide contact information including mailing address, phone number, any professional affiliations, brief biographical information (no more than 100 words and such as appears under the “Contributors” section of the journal). In the event that the author’s contact information changes, all updates should be made by the author by logging into the online account.

Before submitting, submitter should carefully edit and proofread the manuscript, adhering to publication-ready details, as well as standards of proofreading such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting and consistent language, along with the elimination of typographical errors, and with focus on the overall quality of the work.

The Caribbean Writer is a refereed journal. There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal. All submissions undergo an initial blind review by the editor. Creative works, such as fiction, poetry and drama, after editorial review, are advanced by the editor to the double-blind peer review process. In this process, both the reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed from the reviewers and vice versa throughout the review process.

Artists interested in having their artwork considered for use by TCW should submit electronic files in vertical format as PNG or JPEG files with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. The journal also accepts black and white art (line drawings, sketches, block prints, etc.). The journal does not accept graphic poetry or narratives.



Poetry Chapbook Contest

Center for Book Arts

DEADLINE: December 31, 2021

INFO: Center for Book Arts invites submissions to its annual Poetry Chapbook Program.

The winning manuscript will be determined in May 2022 by Guest Judge Mei-mei Berssenbrugge: the author of fourteen books of poetry who has collaborated with many artists, including Richard Tuttle and Kiki Smith. Her most recent book, A Treatise on Stars (New Directions), received the Bollingen Prize for Poetry. She lives in northern New Mexico.

As part of the competition award package, CBA commissions artists to design and produce a limited-edition of 100 chapbooks for the competition winner's manuscript, a limited-edition of 100 chapbooks for a manuscript by the guest judge, and a limited-edition broadside of 100 for each runner-up featuring one poem from their respective manuscripts.

The competition winner receives ten copies of their chapbook, a $500 honorarium, a $500 stipend to participate in a competition reading public program, a week-long stay at Millay Arts, and one copy of the guest judge's chapbook as well as the runners-up's broadsides.

The two runners up each receive ten copies of their respective limited-edition broadside, a $250 honorarium to participate in the competition reading, and a copy of the winner’s chapbook as well as a copy of the guest judge’s chapbook.


Please submit a collection or sequence of original poems or a single long poem that does not exceed 450 lines or 21 pages. The author’s name should not appear anywhere in the manuscript or anywhere in the file as all submissions are kept anonymous to the panel of judges. Manuscripts should be typed, with pages numbered and formatted with easy-to-read font. 

Translations of the author's own work are permitted. Translations of other writers' work will not be accepted unless the piece is specifically and consensually co-authored by both writer and translator.

Please provide a title page, table of contents, and a separate acknowledgments page containing prior magazine or anthology publication of individual poems at the end of the manuscript. Poems that have been published elsewhere are eligible for submission. Please note that the 450 lines or 21-page limit does not include the title or acknowledgements pages. The file name should match the title of the submitted manuscript. Only .PDF, .DOCX. and .DOC files accepted. 

Writers will be notified of the status of their manuscript via email. Due to the high volume of applications, we are not able to provide feedback at this time. 



Emerging Poets Chapbook Series


DEADLINE: December 31, 2021

INFO: Newfound is currently accepting unsolicited chapbook-length manuscripts from poets who have not yet published a full-length book. Our open submission period aims to advance the careers of emerging writers by printing their work in beautiful, hand-bound editions. The series is open to finalists, but not winners of Newfound prizes. One chapbook is selected annually by Newfound staff, more when our budget allows.

Publication details:

  • Only open to poets without a full-length book published.

  • No fee, no guest judge, and no prize money.

  • Newfound will design, print, and bind the chapbook. The cover will be decided in cooperation with the winning author.

  • Poet receives 25 contributor copies.

  • Poet receives royalties contract (25% print/50% digital).

Manuscript guidelines:

  • Send 15 to 30 pages of poetry. Please include no more than one poem per page.

  • Simultaneous submissions and previously published poems are acceptable.

  • Elements of the work must in some way explore how place shapes identity, imagination, and understanding.

  • All entries must be sent online via our submission manager and be contained in a single document.



Amsterdam Open Book Prize

Versal Journal

DEADLINE: December 31, 2021

INFO: Versal is currently accepting submissions for the biennial Amsterdam Open Book Prize. Chapbook-length to full book manuscripts between 25 and 80 pages of different genres and forms, including poetry, fiction and nonfiction prose, and especially experimental, hybrid and collaborative pieces are welcome.

Inventive works that disassemble meaning, rethink artistic and narrative spaces, and create new landscapes visually, sonically or cognitively excite us. Writing that resists and rebels. Manuscripts that are inquisitive, urgent and evocative. Work that is humanizing and radical and necessary in the world. Collections that cohere or fragment; language that takes risks, surprises, entertains and delights us; literary expressions that push boundaries and scatter the universe. Linguistic gatherings, reckonings and cross-pollinations.

JUDGE: Raina León.
