Honey Literary

DEADLINE: December 15, 2022

INFO: Honey Literary is currently reading submissions for Issue 5, out February 2023! We publish two issues each year, one in winter, and one in summer.

To share your work, please email the respective genre editor and upload your .docx or image files (please direct any file format questions to Editor in chief, Dorothy Chan @ editor@honeyliterary.com and she would be happy to help). Include a brief bio with a few sentences about why your work is a good fit for us with our mission statement in mind. If you’re submitting the same packet to multiple categories, please let us know as well.

Please send us your work only once per submission period. Honey Literary accepts and encourages simultaneous submissions, but please let us know immediately if a piece is accepted elsewhere.

We only accept unpublished work. Honey Literary retains first publication rights, and upon publication, rights revert back to the author. Please credit Honey Literary as the first publisher if the piece appears elsewhere after publication, which includes, but isn’t limited to other journals, anthologies, chapbooks, and full-length books.   

IMPORTANT NOTE Honey is 100% accessible. If your piece is image-based and has been accepted, you will be asked to provide your own alt-text, prior to the release of the issue. Here is more information on how to write effective alt-text.


  • Poetry:

  • Sex, Kink, and the Erotic:

  • Essays:

  • Hybrid:

  • Animals:

  • Interviews:

  • Rants & Raves:

  • Valentines:




Third Coast

DEADLINE: December 15, 2022


INFO: Third Coast is now accepting submissions for its Poetry Contest.

GUIDELINES: Submit up to three (3) previously unpublished poems at a time in ONE file. Please include entry title and page numbers on all manuscript pages. Since the judging is blind, the author’s name and identifying information (including address, email, phone number, and bio) should only appear in the "cover letter" box; identifying information must NOT appear anywhere on the manuscript itself. Manuscripts with names left on them may be disqualified.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted; if accepted elsewhere, we ask that the work be withdrawn from the contest immediately. If a piece is chosen as a finalist, Third Coast asks that it be withdrawn from any other publication considerations until our judge selects a winner.

Multiple entries are permitted, but each entry must be submitted separately.

JUDGE: This year's judge is Tomás Q. Morín.  Writers associated with the judge, WMU, or Third Coast are not eligible to submit work to the contest.

PRIZE: Winners receive $1,000 and publication in Third Coast. All contest entries will be considered for publication.

The $15 entry fee (payable online, or by check for postal entries) entitles the submitter to a one-year subscription or gift subscription to Third Coast. No money will be refunded.

 Winners will be announced in mid-Spring 2023.



Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship

Fine Arts Work Center

DEADLINE: December 15, 2022

INFO: Since its creation 50 years ago, the Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship has become one of the leading residency programs in the world.

Each year, the Work Center offers 20 seven-month residencies to a juried group of emerging visual artists, fiction writers, and poets, each of whom receive an apartment, a studio (for visual artists), and a monthly stipend of $1,000 plus an exit stipend. Residencies run from October 1 through April 30. During this time, Fellows have the opportunity to pursue their work independently in a diverse and supportive community of peers. 

The Fine Arts Work Center has hosted more than 1,000 Fellows since 1968, nurturing an accomplished and far-reaching alumni network. The impact of the experience is best illustrated by the extensive list of awards Fellows have gone on to win, including the Guggenheim Fellowship, MacArthur Fellowship, Prix de Rome, Pulitzer Prize, and the Nobel Prize in Literature. 


During the course of the Fellowship, each Writing Fellow is invited to give a public reading and each Visual Art Fellow is given a solo exhibition opportunity. Readings and openings are attended by current and past Fellows, local residents, visitors to Provincetown, leadership of the town’s numerous cultural institutions, and the many illustrious artists and writers who make their homes in Provincetown. Events take place in the beautifully renovated public spaces of the Work Center: the Stanley Kunitz Common Room and Hudson D. Walker Gallery.


While in residence, Fellows also help select a series of visiting artists and writers. These visiting artists and writers meet with the Fellows for studio visits and manuscript reviews and give public readings and artist talks that draw thousands from Provincetown and beyond. Visiting guests have included presidential inaugural poet Elizabeth Alexander; Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel; winner of the National Book Award for Poetry Mark Doty; Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress Robert Pinsky; artist and MacArthur Fellowship recipient Judy Pfaff; and Katherine Porter, whose work is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, and Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. 

The Work Center’s founders believed that seven months was the minimum amount of time needed for artists and writers in the crucial early stages of their career to learn to structure their lives around their creative practice. Each generation of Fellows ideally moves on from the Work Center with a firm belief in their ability to pursue a life as a practicing artist or writer.

Generous support from The Rona Jaffe Foundation has established the Rona Jaffe Foundation Fellowship at the Fine Arts Work Center. This fellowship will be awarded each year, beginning in 2022-23, to an emerging woman writer of exceptional promise. The fellowship fully funds the 7-month residency and includes a $2,500 prize to help defray the cost of travel and living expenses.

RJF fellows must be permanent residents of the U.S. and may not have published a first book in standard edition. All eligible candidates will be automatically considered for this fellowship by the Fine Arts Work Center.



2023 CAAPP Book Prize

Autumn House Press / Center for African American Poetry and Poetics

SUBMISSION PERIOD: December 15, 2022 - February 15, 2023.

INFO: Founded in 2020, the CAAPP Book Prize is a publishing partnership between the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for African American Poetry and Poetics and Autumn House Press with the goal of publishing and promoting a writer of African descent.

The prize is awarded annually to a first or second book by a writer of African descent and is open to the full range of writers embodying African and African diasporic experiences. The book can be of any genre that is, or intersects with, poetry, including poetry, hybrid work, speculative prose, and/or translation.

GUIDELINES: Please submit a manuscript between 48-168 pages.

PRIZE: The winning manuscript will be published by Autumn House Press and its author will be awarded $3,000.

FINAL JUDGE: Nicole Sealey





DEADLINE: December 15, 2022 at 11:59 pm

INFO: Submissions are now open for Mizna 24.1, our summer 2023 issue. This issue is not themed and is open to essays, poetry, short fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, short comix, and creative writing of all kinds.

GUIDELINES: Contributors do not need to identify as of Arab/SWANA descent, provided their work is of relevance to or in dialogue with the social realities of the SWANA/Arab region or community. Contributors may also decide to expand this reality altogether.

Please limit poetry submissions to four poems per submission, poetry submissions should be limited to six pages maximum. Verses exceeding our page width will be treated with a runover indent. Prose should be double-spaced and limited to 2500 words. 

Comics should be limited to eight pages. Comics submissions should be in black and white. Files should be 5.5 in x 8.5 inches, with ¼ inch of bleed. Resolution of at least 300 DPI, in TIFF format.

Proofs will be made available for author approval before publication. Simultaneous submissions are allowable, but we ask that you contact us as soon as your work has been accepted elsewhere.

Attach your submission(s), a short biography (maximum fifty words), and complete all required fields in our online submission form.The attachment(s) must be editable and in standard word-processing program files (.doc, .docx, .pages). PDFs may accompany submitted work but must not be sent alone.

Writers whose work is published in Mizna will receive complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears, a one-year subscription to the journal, and a $200 honorarium.

Due to the volume of submissions received, those not conforming to the above guidelines, as well as material previously published in any other English-language forum will not be considered.




Androit Journal

DEADLINE: December 28, 2022


INFO: Gregory Djanikian was born in Alexandria, Egypt, and came to the United States when he was eight years old. He has published seven poetry collections, the latest of which is Sojourners of the In-Between (CMU Press). His work appears in American Poetry ReviewBest American PoetryBoulevardPoetrySouthern Review, and TriQuarterly, among others. Until retiring, he was the longstanding Director of Creative Writing at the University of Pennsylvania, where he greatly enriched both the Adroit Journal as well as its staff of emerging writers.

We recognize and encourage the gift of such support by offering it ourselves; in honor of Greg’s contribution to emerging student and non-student writers at Penn and around the world, we recognize six emerging poets as Gregory Djanikian Scholars in Poetry each year.

ELIGIBILITY: All emerging writers who have not published full-length collections are eligible (regardless of age, geographic location, or educational status), and are encouraged to submit. Writers with forthcoming debut full-length collections are eligible so long as collections won’t appear earlier than April 2023.

AWARD: Gregory Djanikian Scholars receive $100 and publication of their portfolios of poems in a future issue of the Adroit Journal. Finalists will be awarded copies of Greg’s latest collection, Sojourners of the In-Between, and a list of semifinalists determined by the editors will be released with results.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submissions may include up to six poems (max of ten single-spaced pages). Simultaneous submissions, previously published submissions, and submissions recognized by outside organizations are accepted, provided that a) a full catalogue of publication history for enclosed poems is included in the submission and b) at least one poem in the submission remains unpublished. Submitters should promptly add a note to their entry on Submittable if work disclosed as unpublished is accepted elsewhere.




Meridians Journal: feminism, race, transnationalism

DEADLINE: December 31, 2022

INFO: Meridians Journal: feminism, race, transnationalism is accepting submissions for its Elizabeth Alexander Creative Writing Award.

Open to poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.

PRIZE: $500, Reading & Retreat at Smith University, and publication in Meridians Journal.



PSA Chapbook Fellowships

Poetry Society of America

DEADLINE: December 31, 2022


INFO: Submissions are open for the Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowships.

Open to any U.S. citizen or anyone currently living within the U. S. who has not published a full-length poetry collection.     

PRIZE: $1,000 prize and publication.

JUDGES: Jennifer Chang and Ishion Hutchinson.


  • Manuscript page length: between 20-30 pages of poetry. This page count includes: title page, table of contents, and poems.

  • Poems must be typed.

  • No illustrations may be included.

  • Multiple submissions are not accepted.

  • Manuscripts with more than one author will not be accepted.

  • Translations are not eligible. All poems must be original and primarily in English.

  • We cannot accept corrections after submission.

  • Submissions from Poetry Society employees, officers, or advisory board committee members are ineligible.


You can upload two documents:

1) Acknowledgments, if any of the poems have been previously published. 

2) Your manuscript of poems which should include title page, table of contents, and poems.

  • Personal identification cannot appear anywhere in the manuscript document



Undocupoets Fellowship


DEADLINE: December 31, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST

INFO: The Undocupoets Fellowship annually grants $500 fellowships, with no strings attached, to poets who are currently or who were formerly undocumented in the United States to help defray the cost of poetry-related submission fees.

For the 2022 cycle, three $500 Undocupoets Fellowships will be awarded. Through our continued partnership with Catapult, each Fellow will also receive a scholarship for a six-week workshop (or its equivalent value toward other Catapult classes) of their choosing.​

Honoring our foundational, five-year partnership with the Sibling Rivalry Press Foundation, Undocupoets remains committed to reserving at least one of the fellowships to LGBTQ poets who are currently or who were formerly undocumented in the United States. 

While no single fellowship recipient will receive more than $500 in any given year, Fellowships can be awarded to the same individual for multiple years.




BLF Press

DEADLINE: December 31, 2022

INFO: Inspired by a deep longing for writing that embodies the vivacity of Blackness and Black life, BLF Press will produce a multi-genre collection that encompasses a broad spectrum of literary writing on Black joy. Provocation: What might our writing look like if it were imbued with characters and themes centered on joy and delight?

While we are looking for expressions of Black joy and pleasure, we are not interested in erotica. However, we are keenly interested in expressions of the erotic as articulated by Audre Lorde, pleasure as articulated by Adrienne Marie Brown, and delight as expressed by Ross Gay. We are especially interested in writing from Black queer writers across all gender identities and orientations. We welcome submissions from emerging and experienced writers.

We seek writing that:

  • crosses and cleaves a range of literary genres (creative non-fiction, short fiction, and poetry)

  • merges the themes of joy and pleasure; affirms the interconnectedness of race, gender, and sexual orientation

  • affirms our gifts as Black diasporic writers and artists

  • centers and celebrates Blackness and Black diasporic peoples in all our iterations

SUBMISSIONS: We will only accept previously unpublished work (print or digital). Prose should range from 2,000 to 5,000 words. Two poems may be submitted as one entry. Two submissions per person are welcome, although only one may be selected for publication. Submit Microsoft Word or rich text files (.rtf) with one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. Each submission should be a single document. Name the document as your first and last name and title of your story (e.g., “Janesha Doe Title” or “Janesha_Doe_Title”). Your bio is required (100 word maximum). Your work must be submitted through Submittable.

COMPENSATION & RIGHTS: Authors will receive one payment of $75.00 USD upon publication and one print copy of the anthology. Authors may purchase print copies of the anthology at cost.

The publisher (BLF Press) requests First English language print and electronic/digital rights for one year from publication. After one year, contributors retain all rights to the publication of their work. Contributors are asked to sign a one-page publishing agreement.

DEADLINES & ACCEPTANCE: Submissions are due by December 31, 2022. The editors will acknowledge the receipt of all submissions. Contributors whose work is selected for publication will be notified by March 31, 2023. The anthology will be published and available on September 5, 2023. Contributors will receive updates about the progress of the publication. Payments will be disbursed by September 30, 2023.


Stephanie Andrea Allen, Ph.D., is an interdisciplinary humanities scholar, creative writer, small press publisher, and Assistant Professor of Gender Studies at Indiana University. Her research centers Black lesbian cultural histories and Black feminisms through various expressions, including literature, film, and other print and visual media. Dr. Allen is also Publisher and Editor-in-Chief at BLF Press, and co-editor of Serendipity Literary Magazine. Her creative work can be found in various online and print publications, including The Black Femme Collective, Mom Egg Review, Star*Line, Inkwell Black, Big Echo: Critical Science Fiction Magazine, Sinister Wisdom, and in her two short story collections, A Failure to Communicate and How to Dispatch a Human: Stories and Suggestions. Connect with her on Twitter @S_Andrea_Allen and on Instagram @ stephanie.andrea.allen.

Lauren Cherelle is the Managing Editor and Creative Director of BLF Press. She’s a fiction editor, graphic designer and digital marketer with an MBA from the University of Tennessee and writing certifications from the University of Louisville. Her creative work reflects the lives of Southern Black girls and women. Her most recent writing was published in Sinister Wisdom 122: Writing Communities and Black from the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing. Join Lauren on Twitter and Instagram: @laurencre8s.




The Caribbean Writer 

DEADLINE: December 31, 2022

INFO: The Caribbean Writer (TCW) has issued a call for submissions for Volume 37 under the 2022 theme: Carrying: Reflection,Recognition and Repair. Through the lens of life defining experiences we gain critical insights. We are their agents, so we dutifully, gratefully or unwillingly carry them. Submissions exploring this theme in its widest permutations are invited.

Contributors may submit works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, essays or one act plays which explore the ideas resonating within the region and its diaspora. The Caribbean should be central to the work, or the work should reflect a Caribbean heritage, experience or perspective. Prospective authors should submit all creative works: drama, fiction and poetry manuscripts, through the online portal ONLY at www.thecaribbeanwriter.org/online-submission. Submit Word files only (no PDFs) . Note that TCW no longer accepts hardcopy submissions.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Individuals may submit poems (3 maximum), short stories (2 maximum) and personal essays (2 maximum) on general topics as well as on the theme. The maximum length (for short stories and personal essays) is 3500 words. Only previously unpublished work will be considered. The term “previously published” covers print and electronic publication —including on social media platforms, and self-published items. The Caribbean Writer does not accept simultaneous submissions (items being considered for publication elsewhere). The prospective author should provide contact information including mailing address, phone number, any professional affiliations, brief biographical information (no more than 100 words and such as appears under the “Contributors” section of the journal). In the event that the author’s contact information changes, all updates should be made by the author by logging into the online account.

Before submitting, submitter should carefully edit and proofread the manuscript, adhering to publication-ready details, as well as standards of proofreading such as spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting and consistent language, along with the elimination of typographical errors, and with focus on the overall quality of the work.

 The Caribbean Writer is a refereed journal. There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal. All submissions undergo an initial blind review by the editor. Creative works, such as fiction, poetry and drama, after editorial review, are advanced by the editor to the double-blind peer review process. In this process, both the reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed from the reviewers and vice versa throughout the review process.

Artists interested in having their artwork considered for use by TCW should submit electronic files in vertical format as PNG or JPEG files with a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. The journal also accepts black and white art (line drawings, sketches, block prints, etc.). The journal does not accept graphic poetry or narratives.



2022 Anna Rabinowitz Award

Poetry Society

DEADLINE: December 31, 2022


INFO: The Anna Rabinowitz Prize is awarded to poets and their collaborators for venturesome, interdisciplinary work made in the previous year and combining poetry and any other art or discipline.

Work that qualifies includes but is not limited to books that blend visual art and poetry, original performances of dance and poetry (or dance based on poetry ) and of music and poetry (including libretti based on poetry) as well as more eclectic collaborations involving poetry and technology, the sciences or math.

Candidates are required to provide material documenting their projects. These will be key to the judging process. Panels, discussions, and programs focused on dialogue between disciplines rather than the creation of a new work are not eligible.

The finished work should have been produced or published in 2021 but can involve or be based in part on work from any era. And all are welcome to apply singly if the work involving more than one discipline has been accomplished alone.

HONORARIUM: $1,000 to be divided equally between or among the principals if not awarded to a single artist.

The prize is established by the children of Anna Rabinowitz to honor her boundless curiosity, creativity, and artistic accomplishments.

THIS YEAR'S JUDGE: Mónica de la Torre works with and between languages. Her latest books include Repetition Nineteen published by Nightboat Books and The Happy End/All Welcome, published by Ugly Duckling Pressewhich also put out her translation of Defense of the Idol by Chilean modernist Omar Cáceres in 2018. Born and raised in Mexico City, she is a contributing editor to BOMB Magazine. Recent writing appears in ArtforumA Public Space, and The Literary Review. She has taught at Columbia and Brown University and now teaches poetry at Brooklyn College.


If you are submitting a book or chapbook or printed materials please include:

  • Each entry should have one cover sheet with the following: Name, Address, Email, Phone, and Name of the Award.

  • An Artist Statement describing the aims of the work submitted (up to 500 words)

  • A Biographical Note (up to 500 words)

  • Two copies of the work submitted.

If you are submitting documentation of a performance or artwork please include a thumb drive with:

  • Documentation of your work in the following formats: jpeg, pdf, mp3, or mpeg (as applicable).

  • A PDF cover sheet which includes: Name, Address, Email, Phone, and Name of the Award.

  • A PDF of your Artist Statement describing the aims of the work submitted (up to 500 words)

  • A PDF of your Biographical Note (up to 500 words)

  • Place ALL files in a folder named: YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME_Anna Rabinowitz Prize

Submissions from PSA employees, officers, or advisory board committee members are ineligible.


For an acknowledgment of receipt of submissions, please include a self-addressed, stamped postcard. Unfortunately we cannot acknowledge receipt over the phone or email.

The winners will be announced on our website by early April.

No entries will be returned.

Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot inform entrants of incorrectly submitted or disqualified material, nor can we accept any corrections or revisions to submissions.

You may withdraw submissions by emailing brett@poetrysociety.org.



2022-2023 Kay Murphy Prize for Poetry

Bayou Magazine

DEADLINE: January 1, 2023


INFO: Bayou Magazine, a biannual literary magazine, is seeking submissions to its Kay Murphy Prize for poetry.

PRIZE: Winner will receive $1,000 and a year's subscription. Finalists will be named on our website.
All entries will be considered for publication.


  • Submissions must be original, previously unpublished poetry.

  • Reading fee: $20, which includes a contest issue.

  • You may enter up to three poems per entry.

  • Contest Entries accepted via Submittable only.

  • Please enter your name, address, phone number, email address, and the title of your submission on our online form ONLY.

  • DO NOT include your name or any other personal information on the pages of your entry. Any poem with identifying material will be disqualified.

  • We are unable to provide refunds, so please review your submission carefully before uploading.

JUDGE: Writer and author Derrick Harriel






INFO: Stellium centers Black queer and trans creatives. We still accept work from other Black and QTPOC creatives. We seek those emerging and established (with an emphasis on emerging).

What type of work do you accept?

  • Fiction - We welcome long- or short-form fiction. If you submit flash fiction (up to 2k words), you can submit up to three pieces of similar length. The sweet spot is around 2k to 5k words but we'll consider all lengths.

  • Nonfiction - We're seeking creative nonfiction submissions. Please note the following before submitting. We welcome personal essay, memoir, biography, autobiography, the Audre Lorde-invented “biomythography," new journalism or literary journalism, diary entries, and more. No academic papers. The sweet spot is around 1k to 4k words but we'll consider all lengths.

    • “The stories that only you can tell. Stories about your most closely-held revelations or your brightest lightbulb moments, whether about your own life or about the world at large or both. Those 2000-word-long musings scribbled in your Notes app between shifts? Those clever tweet threads that make you go “dang, Twitter should pay me for this”? Those are great places to start.” - former CNF editor Kim Wong-Shing

    • See work from Akwaeke Emezi in The Cut and from Brandon Taylor in them.

  • Prose poetry - We do not accept traditional poetry. Please note the following before submitting. Prose poetry is "not broken into verse lines, [but] demonstrates other traits such as symbols, metaphors, and other figures of speech common to poetry." Write in paragraphs and with a poetic flow, and we'll want to see it. Please submit a maximum of five poems.

    • “Think poetry without line breaks. Think a really poetic tweet without character limits. Think an expressive, detailed letter or e-mail to the homie. Think run-on sentences, runaway thoughts. Think IDGAF about punctuation all like that but I care about the feels & the mood & the setting & maybe i’mma slide in a slant rhyme or 2 or as many as necessary.” - former prose poetry editor Nefertiti Asanti

    • See [Kills bugs dead.] and Elliptical by Harryette Mullen.

  • Art - We accept high-quality scans of any original, visual art.

So how do I submit?

Please use the following format when submitting, otherwise, your entry may be discarded.

  • Craft an e-mail to submissions (at) stelliumlit.com

  • In the subject line, clarify your submission as genre: title, your name

    • example: “Fiction: Fifteen Little Birds, Janelle Doe”

  • In the body, please share:

    • your bio (any length) including your name, pronouns, and creative background

    • social media links or an alternative way to contact you outside of e-mail (to confirm you’re not a plagiarist)

    • submission summary (at least a sentence, even for art submissions)

    • answer: has this work been submitted elsewhere?

    • your submission as a DOCX or PDF attachment, or as a JPG or PNG for art submissions

      • within the e-mail body is fine but an attachment is preferred

      • no other file formats are accepted at this time

Do y’all pay?

We do! In the past, we’ve offered $50 for each accepted submission, even for art and poetry. However, we’re still in the running for grants and hope to offer more than that in the future. For now, you can expect our standard minimum payment and, if we’re able to offer more, we will announce it and update the text here. If you’d like to support us, feel free to make a contribution today via our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas.
