Nickelodeon / Pixelatl
INFO: Nickelodeon and Pixelatl is seeking submissions for its How To Tell a Story, a two-day workshop (September 9-10) designed to prepare applicants for submission to the Nickelodeon Writing Program. During the writer’s intensive, Karen Kirkland, Vice President, Nickelodeon Writing Program, will share vital information on writing dialogue, defining characters, and mastering three basic steps in writing: premise, outline, and script.
DEADLINE: August 5, 2016
National Hispanic Media Coalition
INFO: The NHMC Television Writers Program is an intensive scriptwriters workshop to prepare and place Latinos in writing jobs for the major television networks. The program was created in accordance with NHMC’s mission to improve the image of American Latinos as portrayed by the media, and increase the number of American Latinos employed in all facets of the media industry and with the idea that if there are more diverse writers present at the writer’s table, more diversity will be reflected on TV.
The television scriptwriters workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the format, characters and storyline structure of specific shows that are currently on the air. The five-week, total immersion workshop is mentored and guided by former NBC V.P of Script Development, Geoff Harris and is conducted in Burbank, CA. A total of 10 writers are accepted nationwide from an established network of non-profit agencies, schools, universities, guilds and media organizations. The program normally takes place in the Fall of each year, wrapping up before Thanksgiving.
Participants must be willing to take a leave of absence from work or school, as the program is a full time commitment (Monday-Friday).
The NHMC Television Writers Program is for seasoned writers who are capable of writing at least a one half-hour comedy or a one-hour dramatic television script inEnglish within a five-week period of time. Each selected participant is expected to complete at least one script by the end of the five-week session, which will then be read by network executives. Those writers whose scripts show promise will be interviewed and mentored by the network executives with the objective of placing them on a show.
AWARD: $250 per week (plus Southwest Airline vouchers, housing, and meals will be provided to accepted participants who hail from out of state).
DEADLINE: Through August 7, 2016