POC United

INFO: The womb. From the Old English wamb. Referred to in science as the uterus. It is the inverted, pear-shaped organ that offers a space for the conception of offspring and is the home for that life to gestate. Throughout history, wombs have been extracted, cut into, sewn together, criminalized, politicized, legislated, and textualized. There are literal and figurative wombs, ones housed in our bodies, ones we wish were housed in our bodies, ones we don’t want, and, for all of us, the wombs from which we were born. For this second POC United anthology, we want them all.

We ask for fiction, essays, and poetry about the desire for a womb, the loss of a womb, the relationship to the mother’s womb, the metaphorical womb, phantom wombs, and any other womb-related ideas you might have. Interpret this theme as freely as you like, and submit so-called literary or genre work.

Please send fiction and non-fiction under 5,000 words and no more than three poems to pocunited@outlook.com as both an attachment and pasted in the body of the message.

DEADLINE: April 1, 2020



The Acentos Review

INFO: In her 2011 poem “My God, It’s Full of Stars,” Tracy K. Smith ponders that: “We saw to the edge of all there is— So brutal and alive it seemed to comprehend us back.” As we embark on the beginning of a new decade, what will our world (& those beyond our own) look like? What will we lose and what will gain? How will we write ourselves into existence onto the increasingly virtual pages? What languages will we speak? I think of Aracelis Girmay’s poem “O” in the which in the speaker as: “But listen closely./ It is my mouth wailing redly//into the scene from The Future Knows.” ? What will happen to reality— and our ideas of it?

For a special issue for The Acentos Review, guest editor Rosebud Ben-Oni is seeking poems by Latinx writers on Lyrical Desires for a New Decade: Poetry as Future Continuous. Both form and free verse are welcome. Send us your future worlds and dreams, your imagined planets and stars filled with paradoxes and tangles, all the new riddles and puzzles and well-worn keys that turn but one lock (or more).

Please also complete the statement:  Being Latinx means to me ....

Guest editor:  Rosebud Ben-Oni is the winner of the 2019 Alice James Award for If This Is the Age We End Discovery, forthcoming in 2021, and the author of turn around, BRXGHT XYXS (Get Fresh Books, 2019). She is a recipient of fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and CantoMundo. Her work appears in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, POETS.org, The Poetry Review (UK), Tin House, Guernica, Black Warrior Review, Prairie Schooner, Electric Literature, TriQuarterly, Hayden’s Ferry Review, among others. Her poem "Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark" was commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, and published by The Kenyon Review Online.  She writes for The Kenyon Review blog. She recently edited a special chemistry poetry portfolio for Pleiades, and is finishing a series called The Atomic Sonnets, in honor of the Periodic Table’s 150th Birthday. Find her at 7TrainLove.org   


  • Deadline: April 2, 2020

  • Publication Date: August 2020




INFO: Submissions are free, and simultaneous submissions are encouraged. If your work is accepted elsewhere, we just ask that you let us know immediately through Submittable. We try to respond to all submissions within thirty days. Feel free to query after two months. We will not consider work with sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or ableist content. Include a cover letter with a brief third-person bio on the first page of your submission.

POETRY GUIDELINES: MudRoom publishes poetry of all types. If you’d like your work reviewed, please submit 3-5 original, previously unpublished poems through Submittable. All poems should be included in a single .DOC/.DOCX or PDF file with one poem per page (eight pages maximum). 

PROSE GUIDELINES: Mudroom publishes fiction, essays, and essays in translation. If you’d like your work considered, please submit a previously unpublished work no longer than 6,000 words in double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font.

DEADLINE: April 15, 2020


The Nimrod Literary Awards

The Katherine Anne Porter Prize for Fiction &
The Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry

First Prize: $2,000 and publication
Second Prize: $1,000 and publication

The winners will also be brought to Tulsa for the Awards Ceremony and Writing Conference in October. All finalists will be considered for publication.

Our final judges for 2020 are Kaveh Akbar and Joy Castro.


Poetry: 3-10 pages of poetry (one long poem or several short poems)

Fiction: 7,500 words maximum (one short story or a self-contained excerpt from a novel)

No previously published works or works accepted for publication elsewhere.  Author’s name must not appear on the manuscript.  Include a cover sheet containing titles, author’s name, full address, phone number, and email.  Submitters do not have to be U.S. citizens, but must be living in the U.S. in October of 2020 to enter the contest.

Postal Submissions: “Contest Entry” should be clearly indicated on both the outer envelope and the cover sheet. Manuscripts should be stapled, if possible; if not, please bind with a heavy clip. Manuscripts will not be returned.  Include SASE for results only. If no SASE is sent, no contest results will be sent; however, the results will be posted on Nimrod’s website.

Mail to:
Nimrod International Journal
Literary Contest–Fiction or Poetry (indicate the appropriate category)
The University of Tulsa
800 S. Tucker Dr.
Tulsa, OK 74104

Online Submissions: Work may be submitted online using our online submission manager system.


DEADLINE: April 15, 2020



INFO: Gulf Coast is now accepting entries for the 2020 Gulf Coast Prize in Poetry.

The judge for this year's contest is Kazim Ali.

PRIZE: The contest awards $1,500 and publication in Gulf Coast to the winner. Two honorable mentions will be awarded $250. All entries will be considered for publication, and the entry fee includes a one-year subscription to Gulf Coast.


DEADLINE: April 16, 2020


2020 Agha Shahid Ali Prize in Poetry

The University of Utah Press

INFO: Honoring the memory of a celebrated poet and a beloved teacher, the Agha Shahid Ali Prize in Poetry is awarded annually and is sponsored by The University of Utah Press and The University of Utah Department of  English. $1,000 Cash Prize and Publication; Reading in The University of  Utah's Guest Writers Series.

  • Manuscripts must be in English and should be between 48 and 100 typed pages.

  • Manuscripts must be submitted between February 1  through April 15, 2020. Early submissions are encouraged.  

  • Manuscripts will not be returned.

  • Submitted poems may have appeared previously in  journals or anthologies, although the collection as a whole must be previously unpublished. This includes chapbooks.

  • The competition is open to poets who have previously published book-length poetry collections, as well as unpublished poets.

  • Current and former students of The University of Utah  and of the finalist judge may not enter. Current and former employees  of The University of Utah Press are not eligible for the prize. We  support the CLMP Code of Ethics.

  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted; however,  entrants must notify the Press immediately if the collection submitted  is accepted for publication elsewhere during the competition.

  • All submissions should include a cover letter providing complete contact information, including name, address,  telephone, and email address. Please do not include any identifying information on the title page or on the manuscript itself. This includes acknowledgements.

 This year's judge is Gabrielle Calvocoressi. Read her bio from the Academy of American Poets here


DEADLINE: April 16, 2020




INFO: Galleyway seeks audio submissions of poetry or prose. In addition to spotlighting monthly opportunities for writers of color, our mission is to champion diverse voices. That’s why we want to hear yours - literally! Share an audio recording of you reading your best poem or work of fiction (excerpt preferred) and we'll showcase it on our blog and social channels. 

Submissions must include:

  • One mp3 file (no longer than three minutes)

  • Your headshot 

  • Your bio

  • Your social media handles

Previously published work is fine! Submissions should be sent to camille@galleyway.com

DEADLINE: April 17, 2020


2020 Latinx Scholarship

The Frost Place

INFO: This scholarship is designed to encourage the LatinX voice in poetry and the literary arts, both at The Frost Place and in the broader literary community. The winner will receive a full fellowship to attend the Conference on Poetry at The Frost Place, July 5 - 11, 2020, including tuition, room, board, and travel.

The LatinX Scholarship at The Frost Place will be selected by a small panel of readers who are committed to furthering the LatinX voice in poetry.  The winning recipient will be selected solely based on the merit of his/her work, and responses to the application questions.  The candidate’s selection will not be determined based on gender, immigration status, or any other biases.

The ideal applicant would self-identify as LatinX, would have a strong commitment to the Latin@ community, and be a minimum of 21 years of age.

Applications consist of a completed form, the contact information of two references, and a sample of 3 - 5 poems. 

DEADLINE: April 24, 2020


2020 Gregory Pardlo Scholarship

The Frost Place

INFO: The Frost Place invites submissions to the Gregory Pardlo Scholarship for Emerging African American Poets. This scholarship, which is funded by an anonymous donor, was named to honor Gregory Pardlo, Pulitzer Prize winning poet and faculty at The Frost Place 2015 Poetry Seminar.

Open to African American poets writing in English who have published up to one book of poetry.

PRIZE: The winner will receive a full scholarship to attend the Poetry Seminar (August 4- 10 2019)  at The Frost Place, including room and board (valued at approximately $1,550), and will give a featured reading at the Seminar. 

DEADLINE: April 24, 2020



Burning House Press

INFO: Burning House Press is excited to welcome upfromsumdirt as our APRIL 2020 guest editor! As of today upfromsumdirt will take over editorship of Burning House Press online for the full month of APRIL.

upfromsumdirt‘s theme for the month is ESCAPISM

“escapism” captures the meaning of something liberating, physically, in spirit, in heavy thought or deep imagination, or in the heart.

a personal desire or something unbeknownst that calls to you. practical or farcical.

a journey, personal or communal, with a definitive destination, real or imagined.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: All submissions should be sent as attachments to guesteditorbhp@gmail.com

Please state the theme and form of your submission in the subject of the email. For example: ESCAPISM/POETRY

Poetry and Fiction

For poetry submissions, submit no more than three of your best poems. Short stories should be limited to 1,500 words or (preferably) less. We encourage flash fiction submissions, no more than three at a time. Send these in as a .doc or .docx file, along with a short third-person bio, and (optional) photograph of yourself.

Submit hi-res images of your works (drawings, paintings, illustrations, collages, photography, etc) with descriptions of the work (Title, Year, Medium, etc) in the body of the email. Files should be in .JPEG unless they are GIFs or videos, and should not exceed 2MB in size for each work. File names should correspond with the work titles. Video submissions can be uploaded onto Youtube or Vimeo for feature on our website. Send these submissions along with a short third-person bio, and (optional) photograph of yourself.

Virtual Reality/ 3D Artworks

For VR Submissions, please submit no more than three (3) individual artworks. For Tilt Brush works, please upload your artwork to Google Poly (https://poly.google.com/), and mark it as ‘public’ (‘remixable’ is at your own preference). A VR/3D artwork can also be submitted as a video export navigating through the artwork. If you prefer this method, please upload your finished video file to YouTube or Vimeo and provide a URL. With either format, please provide a 150 word artist’s statement.

Non-fiction submissions (essays, reviews, commentary, interviews, etc) should be no more than 1, 500 words and sent as a .doc or .docx file along with your third-person bio/and optional photograph.

Submissions are open from 1st till 24TH APRIL – and will reopen again on 1st MAY 2020/for new theme/new editor/s.

BHP online is now in the capable hands of the amazing upfromsumdirt – friends, arsonistas, send our APRIL 2020 guest editor your magic!

DEADLINE: April 24, 2020


2020 Beacon Street Prize - Poetry

Redivider Journal

INFO: Enter here for the 2020 Beacon Street Prize, poetry category. One winner will receive $1,000 and publication in Redivider 18.1 -- This year's poetry category features judge Chen-Chen. Please double-check our guidelines before submitting:


  • Length Restrictions: three (3) poems max in a single file

  • Multiple submissions: Entrants may submit as many times as they please, to as many categories as they please, but the entry fee must be paid separately for each entry.

  • Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are welcome. If accepted for publication elsewhere, simply withdraw the piece promptly (for fiction/nonfiction using the withdraw feature on Submittable, for poetry using the notes feature on Submittable to tell us which poem(s) is unavailable).

  • Manuscript Specifications: Submissions must not contain the author’s name or any other identifying information. All entries must go through our online submission manager.

  • Eligibility: All are eligible except current and former Emerson College students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, our judges’ students, or those with a personal connection to any one judge, are asked not to submit to that judge’s category.


  • $1,000 prize for fiction

  • $1,000 for nonfiction

  • $1,000 for poetry


DEADLINE: April 30, 2020




INFO: FIYAH is a quarterly speculative fiction magazine that features stories by and about Black people of the African Diaspora. This definition is globally inclusive (Black anywhere in the world) and also applies to mixed/biracial and Afro-appended people regardless of gender identity or orientation.

What we want in speculative poetry is verse that struggles, reveals, instructs, comforts, and fights back. We are looking for weird, complex, honest and challenging work with a clear speculative element from Black authors. You can check out this post from our Poetry Editor for more on what we’d like to see in your poetry.

DEADLINE: April 30, 2020



  1. The contest is open to young people currently in Kindergarten through 12th grade across the state of Illinois. Participating young people can be affiliated with any school (public, private, home, etc.) or other institution.

  2. Each youth can only submit ONE poem and the poem must be written by only ONE author (sorry, we do not accept jointly or co-written poems for this contest).

  3. Poems cannot exceed 16 lines for poems submitted by young people in grades K-5 and cannot exceed 50 lines for poems submitted by young people in grades 6-12. Poems containing visual elements are allowed, if all images/visuals are original to the poet.

  4. Please only submit poems that were written between May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020, since poems are judged based on grade level.

  5. All entries must be the original work of the young person submitting the poem.

  6. Youth can submit their poem on their own or the poem can be submitted by a parent/guardian or teacher using submittable.com.

  7. When submitting a poem, please only enter your name on the entry form and do not include your name or identifying information on the poem itself, since the judging is anonymous.

Contest winners will be notified by July 1, 2020. Winners will be honored at an Awards Ceremony to take place at the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts at the University of Chicago (915 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois) on Saturday, August 1, 2020 from 1:00-3:00 PM.

DEADLINE: May 1, 2020




INFO: Hispanecdotes - a magazine providing a platform for Latino writers to share their stories, poetry, and personal essays - is excited to announce the theme of our very first print issue: Ascendencia to be published in October 2020! We are interested in essays, poems, and flash fiction up to 1500 words pertaining to the theme.

Limit for submissions: no more than 2 full prose and/or 3 poems.

DEADLINE: May 1, 2020


Call For Submissions: Queer Indigenous Poetics


INFO: Anomaly is seeking poetry and cross-genre work by Indigenous poets & artists who exist as queer two-spirit, non-binary and trans people. We are seeking work that challenges what it means to live as queer Indigenous people in an increasingly technological society that emphasizes post-modern ideologies. We hope to hear from a wide range of Indigenous voices, and from the complete diaspora of post-colonial Indigenous experiences, including federally recognized and unrecognized tribes, Latinx people of Indigenous descent, and Indigenous Creole and Métis communities. Please send work that confronts prevailing paradigms and creates Indigenous futures that transcend and undermine Eurocentric ideologies.

DEADLINE: May 5, 2020
